Our labs are equipped with various instruments for material characterization and chemical analysis. Below is a summary of our equipment and point of contact.
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yuriy roman mit

​Glovebox (UNIlab MBRAUN)
Workstation with a large main antechamber, vacuum pump, and PLC controller. The unit that can attain purity levels of less than one part per million oxygen and moisture.
Contact: Kaylee, kaymcco@mit.edu

​GC Agilent 6890N Network GC system, GC Agilent 7890A GC system
Gas chromatography system with multimode inlet, capillary flow technology, low thermal mass technology, and TCD/FID detectors.
Contact: Matt, mswebber@mit.edu

​High temperature high pressure packed-bed flow reactor
Used to test a variety of catalysts and liquid- and gas-phase reactions in flow mode.
Contact: Matt, mswebber@mit.edu

​Yamatao DKN402C rotating ovens
Constant temperature convection ovens with a rotating frame to hold Parr acid digestion vessels for zeolite synthesis. Rotation is provided by fixed 57 rpm right angle motors.
Contact: Lucas, labaston@mit.edu

​HPLC Agilent 1260 Infinity with UV-vis detector
Includes autosampler for precise injections of both small and large volumes without changing sample loops.
Contact: Lucas, labaston@mit.edu

​GC-MS Agilent 7890A GC, 5975C inert XL MSD with triple-axis detector
Inert ion source programmable up to 350 degrees C has enhanced response to active compounds.
Contact: Matt, mswebber@mit.edu

​TGA Q500 TA instruments
Temperature range from ambient to 1000 C. Isothermal temperature accuracy of 1 C, continuous weighing capacity of 1.0 g, with a heating rate of 0.1-100 C/min.
Contact: Lucas, labaston@mit.edu

​AutosorbiQ automated gas sorption analyzer Quantachrome
Includes high resolution pressure transducers for analysis of microporous and mesoporous materials, and built-in degas stations.
Contact: Soon, s1105hk@mit.edu

​Bruker Vertex V70 IR spectrometer
Includes an MCT detector with fast scan and step scan capabilities. Reaction chamber allows in situ studies at high pressure and high temperature settings.
Contact: Blake, blakej@mit.edu

​ X-ray Diffractometer (XRD) Bruker D8
Includes Cu sealed-tube x-ray source with NaI dynamic scintillation detector. It is used for phase analysis of crystalline nanostructures such as zeolite, oxide and carbide catalysts.
Contact: Bhavish, bdinakar@mit.edu